CVWRF’s Operations department consists of 38 operators who staff the facility seven days per week, 24 hours per day. The Operations staff includes State of Utah certified wastewater operators, heavy equipment operators/truck drivers, cogeneration operators and mechanics. The department is responsible for operating and maintaining the liquid and solids treatment processes, cogeneration system, compost facilities, and for hauling biosolids to land application farmlands.
Treatment Plant Operational tasks include:
- Monitoring the treatment process through sampling to ensure all phases of the process are within operational standards.
- Inspecting all process equipment daily for proper operation and coordinating with the Maintenance department for repair and replacement of faulty equipment.
- Making adjustments to process equipment and control parameters as required.
- Recording plant data for Utah Division of Water Quality permit compliance reporting purposes.
- Developing the annual operating budgets and tracking repair orders.
Cogeneration Operational tasks include:
- Operation and maintenance of engine generators and support equipment.
- Monitoring and adjusting power demands and usage.
- Monitoring biogas fuel treatment and handling equipment.
- Operating and maintaining boilers and chillers for plant processes, building heat and air conditioning.
- Monitoring engine emissions to ensure compliance with Utah Division of Air Quality permit standards.
Solids handling tasks include:
- Operation and maintenance of all solids handling equipment, belt dewatering presses, compost production equipment, tractor trailers, loaders, and screening equipment.
- Sampling all final products to ensure compliance with EPA 503 Regulations and Utah Division of Water Quality standards for land application of biosolids and public distribution of compost products.
- Hauling biosolids to land application farm sites and delivering compost products to customers.